
The following testimony is from a reading that was given in June, 2009. With her permission I am going to use her email message to me as a testimonial. If you wish to contact her I will ask her if it is ok.

Thank you for taking time to meet with us yesterday. I wanted to let you know that in June you had told me there would be work on my apartment and that you felt as if someone was watching the area...and I should consider getting an alarm and keeping my blinds closed because something was not right.

I took your advice and had an alarm system installed because less than 3 days after my June reading, work began on my building in the complex. After I got home from your house last night, I had this odd feeling that I was being watched while I walked the dog. I could not see anyone, but I still had that odd feeling. At 1:30 AM someone attempted to break into my apartment via the second story window. The alarm sounded and they ran off. The police think it might be related to the guys that are doing work on the buildings as they can see in through the windows, and i did leave blinds open periodically so the cats could see out.

Speaking of....a cat I have had for over 9 years woke me up last night around 5 minutes prior to the break in with very insistant meowing. The cat ran back and forth from my room to Jo Annes door meowing--almost a howl and would NOT go away. Minutes later, the intrusion detection system sounded. The cat was trying to wake us--at least thats what I believe.

Long story short...thank you. Your reading was accurate and may have saved both Jo Anne and I.

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